sviw32 - The Open Source POS System
by ivan rubio albarran
The Open Source
POS System

At the moment I continue developing sviw32, my name is ivan rubio albarran
i born in the mexico city the 12 of February of 1980 I hope in the short term,
they are added but developer, sviw32 is truely an application thought for the
robust work, as it is it the sales, the control of the inventory, the handling of users,
and of course the security of the same system.

I invite to you developer to you to explore and to contribute with sviw32.

mail me to any question about sviw32

About sviw32

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Ivan Rubio Albarran

Thank's to:
sviw32 use mysql sviw32 use apache server sviw32 use phpmyadmin sviw32 use Free Domain Name Address sviw32 use